
  • Revenue realisation was very late in the process
  • Customer retention in the face of dwindling revenues and extremely competitive spacePlatform and infrastucture was unable to scale-out.
  • Customer satisfaction Index was very lower


  • Building data center infrastructure that can aid cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and other emerging technologies
  • Nexora automated the client’s validation process and implemented efficient processes to make the order management process flawless.
  • Embedded rules in the system for auto order-rejection if the validation is not completed within a stipulated period of 2 days. This helped the team to take further actions on priority in order to complete the process quickly and flawlessly


  • Accelerated infrastructure deployment tasks
    60% reduction in the cycle time, from 3 days to 1.8 days
  • Early revenue realization on account of reduced cycle time
  • Improved customer satisfaction and capacity created due to removal of manual customer end validation process